
A New Chapter

College is over, but the alcohol pounds remain...
The baby is here, and seems to take over every single brain cell I possess...
The wedding is over, with only pictures left to obsessively go through...
The holidays have come and gone, leaving no excuse to retreat to my parents house to hang out with my mom...

... Yes, this is life now. The hubby is back at work, and Jack and I are on our own Monday through Friday 6:30-4:30. Every morning I wake up with every intention to do something like organize our apartment with absolutely ZERO storage (aka Crate&Barrel boxes stacked to the ceiling), exercise (but don't I already do that lugging around my gigantic 4 mo. old?), grocery shop (meh.. that means leaving the apartment), apply to grad school (I don't want to get rejected!) ... I pretty much have formulated an excuse for everything to the point where I barely have the motivation to get out of my yoga pants 99% of the time.

Here's the thing, I am 22 YEARS OLD - Way too young to surrender to the sweatpants. But I have become the QUEEN of excuses. I'm tired. I don't have friends here. I hate this apartment. I hate living here. Basically, my attitude SUCKS. No more. I'm going to be honest - this blog is my fabulous oldest sister's way of holding me accountable to doing something, ANYTHING, with my days. The creation of this blog has become something to be excited about - a purpose. Even if I'm only writing to myself and posting ridiculously cute pictures of Jack...

Tomorrow starts DAY 1 of a few things:

-New diet/workout regime (Tracy Anderson Metamorphosis.. I have been slightly obsessed with purchasing this program, to the point where my husband told me to just order it so I would stop talking to him about it.) It has a pretty rigorous meal plan that is going to involve a lot of preparation, which I will most likely document wether it is interesting or not because, well, I think my new kitchen toys are exciting and it's fun to see all the different things I am able to (try to) make.

-Meeting new people. I am not from this side of the state, I don't have any friends on this side of the state, and I REALLY don't have any friends that can even come close to relating to this "stage of life" (Not married. Definitely no babies) So I have researched some "community friendly" (AKA free/cheap) things for Jack and I to do so I can possibly (hopefully) make some friends... wow it feels lame to say that.

For now I need to grocery shop, prepare my meals for tomorrow, and take care of my sick little baby (Fever of 100.7, I'm basically freaking out but playing it cool because I'm pretty sure he's just teething but nonetheless I'm still obsessively checking his temperature, which really pisses him off!) Tomorrow should make for an interesting day when a hopefully healthy Jack and I visit the library for "Infant Story Time!"

I leave you with a picture of my sweet pea, sick in bed, in his typical sleeping pose

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