
Craft Cray

It has been a busy day over here!

We enjoyed our morning, with lots of playing and fun - Jack is feeling so much better! We have a full length mirror at the bottom of our stairs (random I know) that Bubba LOVES to sit in front of (apparently he finds himself as cute as I do).
Bubba got a bath - my little froggy prince LOVES splashing his feet down so hard that the water goes EVERYWHERE .. we also tried out the whole sitting up thing in the tub, he loved it! He's such a grown up, sigh. 

A blog I just started following, iHeart Organizing, did a post today about some drawers that a reader DIY'ed - I fell in love and decided I needed to do them RIGHT AWAY. So out the door we went (completely forgetting about that other craft I already bought all of the materials for..)

Well while I was at JoAnn's I started second guessing the drawers.. I don't think that they are right for my space. But almost everything was between 30-50% off in the store so I got COMPLETELY A.D.D. and starting going craft CRAY. I ended up getting several materials for a couple of other projects I have found on Pinterest. First on the agenda? This pretty DIY wreath:

What You Need:
-Wreath Hanger
-Whatever fake flowers you want and as many as you want covering the wreath
-Wooden numbers
-Acrylic Paint
-Hot Glue Gun/Glue Sticks
Total Cost:

Step 1: 
I painted my wooden numbers white with a sponge brush. I didn't really like the numbers I ended up buying- I really wanted the small, skinnier ones like in the Pinterest picture, but these were the only ones they had (and I went to TWO stores). 
Step 2:
I stuck the stem of the fake flowers through the wreath until they were all placed where and how I wanted them.
Step 3:
I used wire to hold all of the stems in place, then cut the stems. 
Step 4:
Once the numbers were dry I used a hot glue gun to glue the numbers in place. 
All in all I think the end product turned out great! I am really happy and think that it makes our front door look so welcoming and homey :) I am proud that I created this all on my own.. even though it probably would have been cheaper to buy a pre-made wreath and glue the numbers on it. I also sort of felt like, "Who do I think I am??" ... I am not a crafter... yet I really want to get better at this stuff because I think it will be so helpful when my child(ren) is (are) older. This was a perfect "practice" craft because it was easy, simple, and only took me about an hour start to finish :) 

After perusing through TWO craft stores, we still needed to go grocery shopping... Jack was such a trooper the whole time. I don't think I can express in words how happy I am that he is sitting up and I can put him in the cart.. the limited visibility that putting the infant carseat in the cart causes honestly deterred me from leaving the house to run errands. I also get to use a baby shower gift that I think is absolutely genius, my shopping cart cover. It's easy to put on, easy to throw in the washing machine, cushions the shopping cart so Jack is comfortable, and even has attached toys for him to play with! He was a happy camper the whole trip - I am so lucky! 

I have been in the best mood all day. This week is really feeling like a turning point for me. I have more energy and more drive to get up and do something with my day. I can tell the difference in John's attitude when he comes home to a clean house - that is motivating all on its own! Tomorrow I am hoping to get done my St. Patrick's Day craft. I am also due to update you all on "What Jack's Eating" now that he is no longer in the 4-6 month category and moving right into the 6-9 month category (Wahh he needs to stop growing!!) and also an outline of his daily schedule (now that he is successfully on one!). 

Tonight I am looking forward to Modern Family and a long, restful sleep!
Happy Hump Day :) 


A Case of the "Post Shot" Crankies & Kitchen Love

Okay, so I know that they warn you that after your baby gets shots they could be cranky for the next 24 hours. My usually sweet and happy baby boy has been turned into a screaming, crying, slobbering mess :( He won't let me hold him or snuggle him, he doesn't want to jump, and he doesn't want to play. When I try to comfort him he wants to move, when I try to put him down he still isn't happy. He still looks so cute when he's mad. I couldn't help but snap just a few pictures (NO, I wasn't neglecting him, I was sitting right by him rubbing his back and hair, giving him kisses, reading him stories, singing him songs.. anything and everything right??) 
perhaps could he be calming down?!
mmm no such luck.
My poor bubba :(

Unfortunately, this whole fussy business has kind of put a damper on my day of productivity. I did manage to clean my floors (sweep, vacuum, & mop) and scrub up the kitchen. Have I mentioned how much I am loving my kitchen lately? Sure it has it's flaws - it's not my ::dream:: kitchen by ANY means. But i have found ways to make it work for me :) It's all about the little personal touches. Even though it's not March yet, I couldn't resist getting out just a few St. Patrick's Day decorations - I am a purebred Irish girl after all!

My fun ::DECORATIVE:: dish towels (John will most likely try to use these, sigh..)

I love displaying anything and everything on our fridge. I think it distracts from the outdated white, no? So anything from Christmas cards to save the dates, sweet notes from my husband, or weekly/daily "to-do's"! 

I found a really great FREE printable for daily cleaning tasks. I slipped it into a clear sheet saver and use dry erase marker to mark off/write in daily chores. I also put stickies on my fridge reminding me of tasks that need to get done at some point during the week. 

ALSO: We are starting baby signs with Mr. Jack! I was a research assistant in a child development lab in college that extensively studied the many benefits of baby signs in language development.
So even though it will be a while before Jack starts doing these signs too, I put up a little chart of simple signs for John and I to start doing with him :) I am SO excited, and cannot wait for him to start signing back!

And I am still IN LOVE with the shelves John put in. I am basically just in love with this whole side of the kitchen! Wedding gifts are just pretty much the best thing ever..
After a short nap and a bottle this little one's mood greatly improved. He really enjoyed flipping through the new J.C. Penny catalog (there was actually some cute stuff.. I was surprised!) I'm hoping he goes down no problem tonight and wakes up back to his old self! 
Tomorrow I REALLY want to get to a special craft I have cooked up for this month (nothing fancy.. baby steps people!) And hopefully ((maybe??)) I will be motivated to get some laundry done.. it's really starting to pile up down there.. I also desperately need to go the grocery store (womp womp), our fridge is a barren wasteland right now. Ugh, looks like I will be a busy mama - for now I am going to enjoy the fact that Bubba is sleeping and bask in the peace & quiet until my hubby arrives home!

P.S. Notice my {BEAUTIFUL} new bio section to the right?? With clean & simple social networking tabs?? Well I have been figuring out all of my own blog design (God bless google) ... but when it came to figuring out how to make that little section happen.. I was STUMPED. Thankfully, Becky from Mrs. to Mama (a DIY Blog design goddess) relieved my html headache and helped a fellow mama blogger out. I think it looks great (I am already on my third version) and I really LOVE the "rush" of successfully conquering another self-design, html related task! 


Cleaning House & Six Month Stats

Da Bubba tried to wake this Mama up at 6 AM - UH UH. Seriously, husband wasn't even out of bed to get ready for work yet. I sleepily warmed up a bottle and scooped up my lunkin, laid him down next to me in bed and fed him like the good ol' days when I was still breastfeeding.. aka half asleep. It did the trick and we snoozed side by side until 8 :)

Remember yesterday when I talked a big game about not being able to stand the state of my home?? Well I was too overwhelmed by the enormity of the mess (while proofreading I noticied this GIANT excuse.. I just didn't get to all of the cleaning today, plain and simple) so I just sort of chipped away at it little by little all day. It wasn't exactly the O.C.D. "GET THIS DONE NOW!" mentality that I used to have, but I think that I need to adjust to wanting order in my home while still accounting for the fact that I do, indeed, have a baby. A really cute one at that! He is SO good at sitting up now. He is also a DROOL MONSTER. He wants all of his toys, every blanky, and even the toy basket, in his mouth - at the same time.
Yes, I know that was an EXCESSIVE amount of pictures, but seriously how do you edit any of those out?! I already cut the album size down by half before choosing these ones to upload. Notice anything else? We FINALLY got a rug. I just picked it out, without consulting John. I knew once I made a decision and just got it in the room that he would love it, and I was right :)

Bubba had his 6 month well check up today! I still haven't taken his 6 month pictures.. no excuses.. but it needs to get done (TOMORROW).

The Stats:
28'' long (90th percentile)
21 lbs 5.3 oz (95th percentile)
Yes, he is a tank. Every nurse and receptionist did a double take when looking at his chart, "He's only six months?? He's huge!" John just smiles (while thinking to himself, "Daddy's little football star"). 

He also had to get THREE shots. The torture. I seriously fight back the tears EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. It's the worst. But he still gave out smiles to everyone he saw when we were leaving, so I guess he isn't too traumatized. We found out he is going to have to have surgery within the next few months which sucks, but we knew it was a possibility. We meet with his urologist this weekend so hopefully we will nail down a date - can't wait to start anticipating that horror (ugh).

I'll end this post with a pic my father-in-law took yesterday while we were out on our walk. No, my husband does not go out in public in this outfit, he just put on the giant rubber boots for the walk (he came in his dress shoes). It would be lovely to get a family picture where we all look good, Jack is looking at the camera, and hair isn't in my face - but this works for now :) 


A Sunday Project

Saturday was a WASTE of a day. Jack is CLEARLY not feeling like himself and I was just being a plain ol' bum. It didn't feel good. It felt like a waste. I guess a whole week of productivity at my parents was enough to jolt me out of this "funk" I've been living in (at least we can hope). Since I've been home I have been feeling anxious and antsy and I realize it's because NOTHING in this condo is organized (or at the moment- clean) and I really want to start getting down to the details of decorating.

So I have been a Pinterest-ing fool. Husband and I have been talking about the projects we want to do, what takes priority, what we can afford, etc. It still wasn't enough to put me at ease - I had to WRITE OUT A PLAN. Yup, sounds like O.C.D. Kayla is on her way back.. and I am EXCITED!

Today we woke up at 7am (WOOF) but that put us right on track to be ready in time for 9:30am mass! Yup, we made it! And I am SO happy that we did. I loved the new church, loved the priest, and LOVED the homily! It was all about taking a few minutes each day to reflect, to read scripture, and to work on your relationship with Christ. He talked about taking DEEP BREATHS. He stressed the importance of not trying to figure out God, to just leave the BIG PICTURE alone and enjoy the ride. God is too big for us to figure out, it is OVERWHELMING. Basically just "let go and let God". It was calming and perfect for the crazy anxious feeling I've been having since Saturday morning. I need to stop getting overwhelmed by all the stuff I WANT and NEED to get done, and just, START. 

We also drove out to my in-law's house for lunch and a walk in the woods. It was really nice out today so it was great to get to enjoy some of the sunshine. I know Bubba loved it. We also went to Home Depot and bought brackets and shelves!! FINALLY getting to a project we have been meaning to do since we moved in!!!! 

So we decided that instead of trying to find pre-made shelves that fit our space, that we would do it ourselves. ::CORRECTION:: JOHN would do it himself. I just watched and held the (VERY cranky) baby. 

Remember this space??

Well, I previously mentioned that we wanted to put shelves in that empty space on the wall to display all of our bar wear! 

So we went to Home Depot and bought:


We had to cut about an inch off of these to fit our space, but they did it no problem right in the store & for FREE.. score!

Then, with minimal swearing, a little bit of sweating, and INCREDIBLE handy man abilities, John constructed three BEAUTIFUL shelves, and arranged all of our bar wear on them magnificently :)

I LOVE them!!

For now- I am dreading waking up Da Bubba for his final bottle (He is SOOO miserable!), John & I are watching the Oscar's (Check out this fabulous blog for predictions, live updates, and analysis), and I am staring at my PIT HOLE of a condo that will be getting picked up, organized, & DEEP cleaned tomorrow... My skin is crawling sitting in this mess right now!!

YUP! I think the ::old:: me might be back - in a new and IMPROVED way of course :)