I know I was supposed to go grocery shopping yesterday... but it was so beautiful outside! The minute Bubba woke up from his afternoon nap we decided to go explore our new town. Of course we stepped outside and the sun went hiding behind the clouds, but we still enjoyed the 50 degree weather and the smell of spring!
Right in the center of downtown there is a dam where a TON of ducks- all different shapes, sizes, & colors- congregate. Jack was mesmerized. They honked and quacked. They waddled and they flew. Jack sat on my lap and looked back at me like, "Is this okay?" "Should we be this close?". He would reach out his hands and open his mouth as though he were going to grab one and eat it!
It was nice to get outside, feel the fresh air on our cheeks until they were nice and rosy red! Jack has been coughing, sniffling, & sneezing.. My little man has his first cold and his Mama and Daddy aren't too far behind him (John and I both woke up with throats that were on fire). I am trying not to freak out too much because he is still eating, sleeping, and playing normally - it's obviously not a life or death illness, but I hate to see him sick. After our walk he put his sweet little head on my shoulder and let me rock him back and forth until he fell asleep.
Today I have been unmotivated to leave the house. I feel crappy, Jack feels crappy. I don't feel like maneuvering my way through a new grocery store.. Sigh. But I have made a resolution to leave the house EVERY DAY so we will go whether we like it or not. I have been trying to get used to letting Jack play on the new hardwood floors. We haven't bought a rug yet (we will have to agree on one first) so I have been worried about him banging his head... BUT he loves to roll so today we forged on.
I guess he's okay with it... so Mama will have to be okay with it too! He's so sweet the way he likes to bang his little feet on the ground to hear them go bam, bam, bam. I love watching him discover and grow. He is constantly learning how to make new noises and is excited by the way his tongue moves in his mouth and the way different blankies and toys feel on his gums. I feel so blessed to be here with him all day, to not miss a thing. I think I forget to think about that sometimes. I shouldn't!
I'm also thinking about instating "Pajama Wednesdays"! Our one lazy day a week, to stay in our jammies late, not leave the house, and snuggle unproductively all day. I think we deserve it! Haha.. I think I can justify this idea by making it "Cleaning Wednesdays" as well. Scrubbing toilets and vacuuming stairs will be more enjoyable if I can do it in my sweatpants.. Just saying.
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