
Dear Bubba

Dear Bubba, 

Today you are 10 months old. You are such a big boy! 

In two short months you will be ONE YEAR OLD!

I feel like so much has changed this month... every day you learn something new.
You have two new two front teeth that add just the cutest bit of cheese to your drool filled grin.
You wave like a mad man (even when it doesn't make sense to wave...)

We've also started to teach you the word, "no".
At first I started saying it to you three times in a row before removing you from the "no" activity.
It became pretty obvious that you understood when you started shaking your head "no".
Sometimes you tell yourself "no" by shaking your head before I even have to say anything.

You are officially real "crawling" 
and cruising around the furniture all day every day!
Everyone says you'll be walking any minute, but I'm in no rush for you to start!

You are such a sweet boy.
You are the happiest little ray of sunshine and I love your laugh!
You are so playful and it takes A LOT to make you mad.

You are also strong-willed... 
I have NO IDEA where you get it from (coughdaddyandicough)
It is a hilarious combination with your sweet disposition.

You babble from sun up to sun down.
The sound of your voice is the sweetest music to my mama ears.
I love all the noises and sounds that you make, you are quite the conversationalist!

I am astounded that another month has passed us by. 
I wish I could freeze time and speed it up all at the same time!
I cannot wait to watch you grow, hear your first words, and watch your first steps.
At the same time I crave those first few teeny tiny months...

Oh Bubba, I love you so! 
You have your Mama's heart - and you always will!

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Mrs. Pancakes said...

Awwws soo cute! He seems to be doing so much! Glad I came across your blog!

Crystal Renee said...

Aww so cute. I am from GFC hop. A little late. You have a gorgeous little boy! You look so young. Can't wait to look some more

Natalie said...

Happy 10 months sweet boy!

Holly said...

ahh he is soo soo cute! Happy 10 months bubba!

Neely said...

Happy 10 months Bubba! You are too precious for words :)

Mama said...

Happy 10 months Bubba! (I have a girlfriend for you when you're ready!)

alex said...

Aw what a cute baby!

Amanda said...

Your little boy is adorable! And you're a beautiful mommie! Hope I can look as great when my little guy gets here!!

Amanda @asquared

Allyson McGuire said...

What a sweet post! He is too precious!

Unknown said...

great post!

Visit me at nichollvincent.blogspot.com!

Have a great day!

Nichole @ casadecrews.com said...

Such a cutie!

elise said...

they grow up way too fast huh!?