
I Believe...

I believe in family. 
I believe in finding the good in every situation. 

I believe in wearing pink, everyday. 

I believe in kissing. A lot! 

I believe in Sunday afternoons.

I believe in learning every day for the rest of my life. 

I believe in baby snuggles. 
I believe in movie marathons. 

I believe in sisters. 
I believe in Green & White. 
I believe in best friends. 

I believe in hard work. 

I believe in singing.  

I believe in chocolate.

I believe in tequila.

I believe in marriage. 
I believe in long talks. 

I believe in working it out. 

I believe in planning (and sometimes saying, "Screw the plan!").

I believe in miracles. 

I believe in listening. 

I believe in laughing... at myself, at life, and of course- funny things :) 

Thanks for this fabulous link up, Erin :)


Pamela said...

You are too cute!! Love everything that you believe in :)

Erin @ Living In Yellow said...

Such a great list you had. The tequila made me laugh. Thanks so much for linking up lady!

Allie said...

I love this! I think I might link up!!! Cant wait to see you!

Anonymous said...

I believe, too!

Whitney said...

Um yes, I agree. I believe in tequila too! haha. Baby snuggles are the best!

Laura said...

OMG! I love that first picture- JUST DARLING!! New follower:) can't wait to catch up! Stop by sometime !


Kristine@thefoleyfam said...

Agree!! Great list!! Except instead of green and white it would be green and gold :) #Packerforlife

Found you thru the link up! Excited to follow along!
Kristine The Foley Fam {unedited} Blog

Blue Dog Belle said...

This is so sweet.

xo, Emily

Rachel said...

What type of movie marathons do you do? I've done LOTR, Star Wars, Pirates of the Caribbean...the marathons we do tend to be the movies with actual sequels I guess. We've probably done a Toy Story marathon in the past too!
And I love your pictures!

Rachael {all things beautiful} said...

What a great list! I believe in just about everything you listed :) Love this idea that Erin started. Working on my own list now :)

Sapir @ The Sapphire Queen said...

I love that you like planning...and sometimes not planning haha
I'm so glad I found your blog today - it's so cute! I can't wait to read more :)

Donna said...

Adorable list.

Unknown said...

Your list is absolutely adorable!
Love your blog :)

Joanna said...

loveeeeeeeee this!!