So I didn't make a big deal about Halloween.
Jack won't remember it, he will not be scarred by my lack of enthusiasm.
Wednesday's are his day at DeeDee's (My mom's) & I was fine with not dressing up with him.
Don't get me wrong,
I cannot wait until he's old enough to "get it".
I look forward to the days where we pick out a costume and run around the neighborhood for candy.
But, at 14 months, I didn't feel like I was missing out.
Then I got this picture:
My heart lept into my throat and I died a little from his cute.
My pumpkin!
My JACK-o-lantern.
I couldn't handle it!
One of our closest family friends, Tracy, is a part-time teacher in a kindergarten classroom.
My mom joined Tracy and her grandson on a visit to the classroom for a Halloween parade.
This is Jack & Noah,
they are destined to be besties :)
My mom sent me a video from their visit. It had a caption that read, "Ready for kindergarten"
Best part? When the little boy says, "Who's the pumpkin?!"
Why that would be my little social butterfly, in the middle of all the action.
Nevermind that he was just supposed to be VISITING the classroom,
not joining in like he was just another five year old.
Sigh.. stop trying to be so grown up little boy!
I've learned my lesson.
Anytime a costume is involved, I need to be there.
Best believe when we get home tonight I am putting him back into that pumpkin outfit.
I need to witness that kind of cute live and in person :)
So precious. And I see he got his Mama's outgoing personality!s
Omigoodness! What a CUTE pumpkin!! Harrison was a pumpkin last year and I just loved it. I know what you mean, though. I HATE missing any moments...even ones that seem insignificant. Its later that it hits you...and you feel so sad! Enjoy your man in his little get-up tonight, take lots of pictures! :)
Omg look at him with the big kids! I love him!
aweeeee such a cutie!!!!
You'll have plenty more halloweens! :)
What a smile!
that would totally melt me.
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