
Norah Belle

Five weeks ago our "new recruit" came into the world and I am so in love! After a full week of progress-less contractions and two "false alarm" trips to the hospital, I woke up out of a Benadryl induced sleep at 1 am and knew it was the "real deal". Ten hours later, our little lady was born and it was honestly the most amazing and relaxed labor/birth experience I could have ever imagined.

That's kind of been the theme with Miss NB. Relaxed. She is so sweet, hates to cry, and makes the cutest little squeaker noises all.the.time. We aren't really sleeping, and it's been a really crazy 5 weeks (remember that whole grad school thing? Yeah, it JUST ended) but I am so obsessed with this daughter of mine! 

Jack is pretty smitten as well. He loves "Baby Or-uh" and pokes her in the face 4589234829 times a day. This whole family of 4 thing is quite the adventure, and I would not trade it for the world! 

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