Jack is at my parent's tonight so I have no baby to get festive with (tears)
What is the best gift to give your husband?
John, like most men, is hard to shop for! I always try to do a mixture of fun with need. We don't really spend a lot of money on ourselves and we both love presents, so I try to be as thoughtful as possible! This year for his birthday I got him Tigers tickets and some books. He loved it :)
What is a meaningful gift that you can give that does not cost money?
For Valentine's day this year I made him a "fairy-tale book" about our love story. It was inexpensive and from the heart. He loved it, and we will always have it!
What is the best gift you have given to him?
I just asked him and he's going, "Ummmmmm... ahh...." WOW honey, do I suck that bad at giving gifts?!
He decided on the green tie I bought him for Christmas last year.. hahaha
What is the best gift he has given to you?
For Valentine's day he sang me a song with the guitar.. I really loved that! A close second would probably be the bench he bought for our master for my birthday!
What are you giving this holiday?
I'm not sure that we are giving gifts... boring, I know! But John has mentioned that he would like a Birchbox for men...
Next week let's talk
1. When you were a child what did you imagine YOUR Prince Charming to be like?
2. Does you husband match your prediction as a child?
3. What about when you were a teenager and knew it all about love, does you relationship match that scenario you had during those rebel years?
4. What love movie would you best match your relationship to? Why?