On Sunday Jack turned 9 months old.
Yesterday he had his 9 month well visit.
He measured up at:
24.5 pounds (95th percentile)
31'' (95th+ percentile)
Basically, what we have all known is yet again, proven true.
We have almost completely finished the transition from purees to solid foods.
He loves black beans, cheese, ground turkey, peas, and bananas.
He sleeps from 8pm to 8 or 9am.
Takes 2 naps (a morning and an afternoon).
And LOVES playing with his toys and in his bounceroo!
He still continues to use his army crawl as his primary source of movement, but has begun to attempt a "traditional" crawl, before he gives up because it takes too long.
He is pulling himself up on every surface he can get his hands on.
He is cruising along the furniture, and even tries to let go and stand. That never ends well...
We are getting more and more used to the bumps and bruises that come along with mobility.
He is tough and never cries for more than a second when he falls or bumps his head.
He loves to stare at other children/babies.
When we are at the park or the store or wherever you can spot another kid, he cranes his neck to be able to watch their every move!
He has started to play shy when a stranger approaches him.
He will bury his face into John or I's shoulder then look up, smile, hide his face, repeat.
He is a total ham and plays it up for anyone and everyone!
my mom used to always say "a big baby is a happy baby". ha! he is awesome. and our Jack is just as big ... Jack's must just come that way?! love it!
What a big boy! My Jacob has been in the 99th or 100th percentile for length and head size from the get go. But he's only in the 60th for weight. Long and lean! No one believes me when I say he's not even 5 mo yet.
Big babies are the best!!!!
New follower stopping by from Allie's blog just saying hi and can't wait to read more.
And happy 9 months!
I have a big baby boy too, in fact, he was in the 95% at his 6 month appointment! Can you tell me how you transitioned from purees to finger foods? I need to start this process as my son is almost 9 months old too.
ahh he is beyond cute! :))
he is adorable! time goes by way too fast for sure! :)
Super cute! Jack is 2 months (to the day) older than V. I am curious about the food transition as well! :)
So sweet! I love the photo with his mouth dropped open! It looks like you just told him something super scandalous ;)
Aww he is just precious. And yes he is a big boy and so adorable.
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