
Friday's Letters

Dear Bubba, 
I love you a lot. I think you are perfect and wish you never had to go through any pain! Lets have lots of fun these next few days (swim as much as possible!) so that you need a break from all the fun when Wednesday rolls around :)  

Dear Allie
I cannot wait to see you and your family tomorrow! I am honestly so excited! Jack is going to be in heaven having other kids to try and keep up with and I am just excited to finally be able to girl/mom chat it up in person :) I think I am probably going to wear John's vest... is that okay? you won't be embarrassed right?! 

Dear John, 
Thanks for being awesome and going on a blate with me :) I know that you are an internet skeptic (I mean, what kind of normal human being has NEVER had a Facebook?!) I missed you this week while I was at my parents and I am excited to have a weekend just for us and our family of three! By the way... can you believe that tomorrow will mark 6 MONTHS since our wedding?!

Dear Blog Friends,
I can't believe I hit the 100 GFC friend milestone! When I started this blog I really had no idea how much fun I would have - it has been a blast growing this blog and meeting so many new people! Keep your eyes out for a special 100 Followers Giveaway SOON!

Dear Lake, 
See you in a week! YES!! So excited :) Let another summer of dock sun soaking, boat cruising, red neck yacht clubbing, late night bon firing, cocktailing, and fun begin!

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Sami said...

Congrats on 100 followers :) I think I missed why Bubba is having surgery! I hope everything is okay. Have a wonderful weekend dear!

Holly said...

haha I love that last picture! so fun :)

and the babe? sooo cute!!!

Happy friday!

Stephanie said...

He is adorable! My little is just over a year and we have so much fun with her- it sounds like you LOVE being a mama!

jessica said...

Awww, your little man is too cute! And a trip to the lake sounds awesome! A beer AND friend chicken while hanging out with friends? YES PLEASE. Hope you have a great weekend!


Frankie said...

He really is the cutest. I just love his hair. And the lake sounds amazing. Have a wonderful time!

Emily said...

Bahahaha - can I hang out with you and drink beer and eat fried chicken while floating in the lake? Seriously this sounds like heaven to me.

Ashley Slater said...

The last picture of you made me laugh out loud! So funny! Loved all your letters and the sweet pictures of your babe-- so cute! Thanks for linking up with me!


JMc said...

Congrats on reaching 100! Jealous that you will be seeing the lake soon! I can't wait to get on the water.

Erin K said...

I can't tell you how much joy getting to check out the blog brings me when I can't get my real life snuggles with my little lunk in. I'm so glad your my nephew mama. xo. Love you mucho.

tiff@thecoffeehouse said...

ok, I know I always comment about Jack, but how can you not??? Jack trumps everything. Jack and his adorable little legs. ahhhh.

Ashleigh Nichole said...

Congrats on 100 followers & you now have 101 because I just became a new one to your page :) I am jealous! I wish I had that many followers! & your lake picture can we say I wanna join! Bc I so do lol...

Allie said...

:) :) :) so excited!!!

Laura Darling said...

OOh I'd be so excited for the lake if I were you! I'm jealous!

siddathornton said...

that last photo has me craving the lake - so much fun!

congratulations on reaching 100 followers - those milestones are always so fun & exciting!

- l

Alexandra Lauren said...

i am a new follower via "the hop"! love heading to the lake it's just the best :)

Lauren said...

Love this link up! What is Jack having done? Tubes in his ears? I must've missed it..