
Friday Tids + Bits

It has arrived! My sister's bachelorette weekend in Chicago! 
We leave in about an hour and I am so excited!
This week has been crazy. 
Between trying to have a garage sale,
getting things set to go for the weekend, 
and being away from John all week - 
I am ready to get the party started. 

A few tids + bits from the week?
I staged all of my dorm stuff perfectly... I mean can you believe that no one bought any of it?! 
Maybe it was because out of the 20 some "customers" we had, maybe ONE was under the age of 65
Apparently Jack didn't appreciate me selling his stuff. 
After a hard day of selling, Jack took his mullet out to eat. 
Seriously. This thing is REAL LIFE. 
I will not be upset if I come home from Seattle and it has disappeared!
Oh and some other news... 
We are in BIG trouble with this one... he just wants to run! 
Hope everyone has a fantastic weekend! 
I know I will. 
Pray for my survival!
Remember last time I went to Chicago?! 
If it involves even 1 fewer Irish Car Bomb I will consider it a successful trip!
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Kristen said...

I looove chicago, and bachelorette parties there are even better. I hope you have so much fun!!!

tiff@thecoffeehouse said...

oh have so much fun! loving all the pink. I need a party to crash this weekend ... don't be surprised if I show up.

Allyson McGuire said...

We've had exactly one garage sale...and it sounds like it went about like yours.

Unknown said...

enjoy your trip and best to your sister!

Ashleigh Nichole said...

Hello windy city :) have fun & come home safely!

elise said...

don't the little ones grow up way too fast!? goodness...hope you weekend was fun!