
We Made It!

On this day, one year ago, my little boy came into this world.

It's hard to describe that moment. The moment you become a mother.
For me there was a mingling sense of sweet sweet relief and awe.

The hours of Jack's birth day went quickly & slowly all at once.
With no sense of time or "real life" we grew into our places as a family of three.

Tired & bleary eyed after a sleepless night,
we snuggled and stared at our sweet baby Bubba the whole day through.

This past year has been full of so many ups.
I am so blessed to have a baby as happy as Jack.

He is smart, fiercely independent, & always on the go.
While snuggles are few and far between, he makes his affections known!
Each day spent at home with him is a blessing.

I cannot believe it has been a whole year.
But this walking, talking, busy boy is proof that we have come a long way!

I firmly believe without all the love, help, support, and kindness we have been shown as a family this past year- we would not be as solid as we are, the three of us!

This post is far from the sentimental and simple symbol of love I was hoping it would be, but words are failing me today! I am so blessed to have this child in my world.

I will just leave the rest to pictures.
Forgive my limited skill with iMovie!


Mis En Place said...

Happy birthday, Jack!

Julie Rogers said...

Happy Happy 1st Birthday!!!! Have an awesome day:)


Meg said...

I love my Bubba! Happy First Birthday sweet boy, you are a blessing every day.

-Aunt Moo

Shelley said...

This made me choke up. Ooooh my goodness time goes so fast. My baby will be a year old next month!!

Aunt E. said...

OMG- way to make me cry at work. I got 40 seconds into that video and needed to stop and save it for later. Will call soon.

Natalie said...

Happy birthday Jack! This video totally made me cry. I can't believe he is one, Max is close behind!

Archieviner VersionX said...

Happy Birthday JAck. BTw, i just followed your blog, hope u follow back :)

Kristen said...

this is so fun, i love making videos like this to be able to go back to when they're older. i have a video from when i was like 6months old and like 1 and i still watch it like once a year. i love it =)

elise said...

adorable. happy birthday to jack!

Ali said...

So adorable! Happy Birthday to your sweet baby! Stopping by from the GFC Hop! Loving your blog. Say hello to your newest follower from Texas! I'm so excited to read more from you.

If you have time, stop on by my blog and say hello!
Ali @ All Things Pink & Sparkly

Katlyn Larson said...

Happy Belated Birthday Jack!

It's so crazy to watch the changes in the 1st year.. But it's such an amazing thing to be a mother and get to share life with someone so sweet and special.

I am your newest follower from Melissa's blog hop. Come say hi if you get the chance! :)
