
In Case You Wanted to Know Some More About ME :)

Linking up with Becky today! I also love getting to know all about other bloggers, so this is a fun way to introduce myself to new readers and maybe let my loyal readers know a little bit more about me!
How long have you been blogging? And what got you started on blogging? Has your blog changed?
I have been blogging for 6 months! I got started blogging because I was a wee bit down after the holidays. My dream wedding was over, Christmas had come and gone, I was home all day with a 4 month old baby two hours away from my hometown... blogging became a way for me to feel like I had purpose! Now that Bubba keeps me WAY busier than he did 6 months ago, I still love to blog!

Did you go to college? If so where, and what did you study?
Yes! I went to Michigan State University (Go Green!) and studied Psychology. I am returning to MSU this fall for my master's in social work :)
If you won the lottery, what would be the first thing you would buy?
A house! The house fever I have is baaaaaaad! I wish we were in a place we were ready to settle down because house shopping is something I do for fun these days...

What is your drink of choice; wine, beer, or liquor. Or Water, Soda, Tea?
This really depends on my mood.
Love me some tequila (preferably Patron), club soda, and lime.
Red wine September-April, White wine May-August
Beer works - I love a dark beer (Guinness... yum!) and Oberon on tap in the summer!
I am addicted to fountain Diet Coke.
Could drink coffee all day.
But drink about 3 water bottles of water a day!

What is something you enjoy to do when you have me time?
What's that?? I don't really like being alone so I would rather have John be with me during "me" time and have us snuggling up on the couch or out to see a movie/grab a drink.

What day would you love to relive again?
It's cliche to say but I would love to re-do our wedding day over and over and over again- it was that amazing!
I would also relive the day Jack was born. Sure there were painful parts... but nothing can beat the raw emotion and love I felt that day!
What are the jobs you had in high school/college/the early years?
My first ever job was as a hostess at a popular restaurant in my hometown.
Then I was a nanny all through college... other than a few blips as an ice cream scooper and 3 weeks as a university telemarketer (WORST EVER!)

Show us a picture from high school or college.
high school Kayla: Obviously I was a master at staying glamorous while camping at the beach.
College Kayla: Being driven home after her 21st birthday.

Show us the most current picture of you or you and your family.
Where do you see your life 5 years from now?
Babies, babies, babies! A part-time job at a marriage and family wellness clinic, and in our first home!

Extra BONUS fact about me: My name is KAYLA... only my closest friends/family call me "Kay". I decided to use that as my "signature" on this blog to be a bit more "anonymous" (my hubby gets nervous about the crazies!) I now realize it's a bit ahem unnecessary, but the name has stuck! Consider yourself a close friend ;)

Okay, your turn to link-up so I can learn more about YOU!
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Kim Luke said...

Love your outfit in the last family picture!! ADORABLE!

Unknown said...

Such a cute post. I love all your pics especially your wedding pic...gorgeous!

Unknown said...

Hahaha...I love the college pics!!


Joeylee said...

Stopping by from Becky's. I love your wedding photo so pretty. Hehe lovin the college picture

Kristin said...

How fun! I just happened upon your blog today, and what a perfect day to do so, when I get to learn all about you! Love these types of posts :-) Hope your Tuesday is fabulous!

Scribble-N-Dash said...

Adorable family picture! Love this post :)

<3 Melissa

B F said...

HAHAHA! Love the high school and college pics. Ok now I'm gonna have to do this and dig out some oldies but goodie pics of me ;)

Lauren H Edmondson said...

LOVE that 21st birthday pic, I believe I have one very similar haha - and your sweet baby boys outfit is precious in that current family pic, it is SO hard to find baby boy clothes that are dressy isn't it!?

Mis En Place said...

Thank you for posting that photo of GH camping. Probably my favorite ever!

Allie said...

The college pic.....hahaha love it and you:)

Unknown said...

If you like the about me posts you should check out my new link up!

Tami said...

That's awesome that you are returning to school for your Master's. It's a lot of work but it's so worth it! Your family is too cute!

Brooke Arellano said...

Hi! So nice to "meet" you!I'm stopping by from the GFC Blog Hop and am now a new follower:) Would love for you to stop by Crazy Mama Drama!

Erika Trevathan said...

I just dropped in through the link up and wanted to let you know that I look forward to following your blog! Visit me anytime!:)