
Trying To Stay Cool

Bubba and I are at the lake house.

The lake house has no air conditioning. 
Temps are hitting around 100 degrees every day. 
None of the above is okay. 

So we are not moving. 
And if we do move, it's slowly.

Last night before bed, instead of a bath, 
Bubba got to swim in the lake for an hour.

I'm thinking that will be all we do today. 
In fact, that sounds pretty darn good right now! 

p.s. There is still 2 days left to enter the $50 Shabby Apple giveaway! Make sure you don't miss it :)
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Julie Rogers said...

Stay cool---no air conditioning, YIKES! I think you better maintain a permanent spot in that lake:)

Allyson McGuire said...

Stay cool! The temperatures have been crazy here - I would definitely be in the lake all day!

Janna Renee said...

I'm Janna the one that won your Starbucks gift card! Wanted to come get a real look at your blog, and I love it! Glad y'all are having fun in the lake, but stay cool!