I'm really excited to be co-hosting the GFC Blog Hop with The Life of a Not So Ordinary Wife this week! Please link-up and join in :)
I have found some of my favorite blogs through this blog hop and am really excited to be a part of it :)
It's Tuesday again which means it's time for the GFC Blog Hop!
Last week we broke our record of 267 with 293 Link Ups!! Let's try and get to 300 this week!!
When I want to follow a blog the first thing I look for is GFC (Google Friend Connect), it's so easy and it's nice to be able to go and see all of the blogs you follow in one spot. It's really a great tool to have.
One side note- Did you know you can follow through GFC using your Twitter Account? TRUE, it's definitely an option!
Ok, so let's get to the party, shall we?
RULES are simple:
1. Follow your host via GFC
The First link below
2. Follow your co-hosts via GFC
The Next 8 links below
3. Link up below using your main blog url not a specific post.
4. Make sure to visit some of the blogs in the link up and follow them via GFC
and if you want to leave them a comment, I'm sure they'd appreciate that as well.
5. Tweet about this blog hop
6. Share about this blog hop by grabbing a button and putting it on your sidebar!
I hope that everyone's weeks have gotten off to a great start!
I want to wish the HAPPIEST 26th birthday to my big sister Megan today :)She is not only my sister, but one of my best friends. I am so lucky to have her in my life!
Love you Meggy Moo!
p.s. trying to find a recent picture that I knew would make this birthday lady happy was like near impossible... so we are left with a pregnant mid-winter pic - Megan, you look fabulous!
p.p.s. I have been trying to convince her to start a blog of her own... everyone should be excited if I succeed in my peer pressure campaign :)