
Budgets, Schedules, & Under-Appreciated Husbands

So I woke up this morning at 10 a.m. completely confused as to a) why it was so light outside & b) why i felt so wonderful and well-rested. NO - my sweet boy did not sleep through the night, but he did sleep in! And not the 9 o'clock kind of sleeping in, but the 11:15 kind.. I had my morning coffee baby free today and I wish I had done something more productive with that hour and fifteen, but of course, I let myself be sucked into the couch - where I remained the majority of the day. Sigh. 

My hair appointment had to be rescheduled for tomorrow, and without the deadline of 3:00 to be productive at home before my haircut.. I was powerless to the lazies. I didn't MEAN to be lazy though. It all started with an e-mail from my husband about a budget. We have always had a budget "in theory" but aren't really good about being organized budget people. This has to change and so whenever he brings up "the budget" I feel like since I am the one staying home I should be the one to take control and be organized.. so then I went on this crazy search for part time jobs I can do at night (not going to happen) which led me to believe I should become a crazy extreme couponer (looked at 2 blogs and decided I simply could not do it) and finally ended on the idea that I should just find formula coupons. HA. What a joke. I feel like manufacturers and stores know that because you have to have formula, they charge out of this world prices with NO coupons! UGH. I will nurse as long as possible the next time we have a baby. 

While Mommy was on a treasure hunt for formula coupons, a barrel rolling Jack proved to his Mommy that he's a genius. Instead of crying because he was bored of his play gym, he rolled over to his toy basket and tipped it over! 

My mom has been harping on me about it for a month or so now, but it's really time that I actively try to put Jack on a schedule. He is 5 months old now and the whole we do what Jack wants when he wants thing is not going to work for our family forever. I realize that the things I do now are establishing habits for him. The introduction of solids this past month has been fun, but I haven't really worked it into our "daily routine".. his solid feedings are sporadic, and some days he has more "solid meals" than others. So it's decided. Tomorrow is day 1 of the "Get Jack on a Schedule" campaign. We will eat cereal in the morning with our morning bottle, a veggie at lunch time, a veggie at dinner time, and cereal with a bottle before bed. We will take a mid-morning (early afternoon) nap and a later afternoon (early evening nap). We will have baths before bed every other night. We will go to bed around 10-11 pm! Ha.. we'll see how that goes. But hey, I am going to TRY! I just want him to sleep through the night.. right now he wakes up around 3 or 4 and then at 7 or 8.. sleeping from 11-8 would be the best.. but our chunk-a-lunk dare not miss a feeding!

Today marks John and I's 2-month anniversary.. it feels crazy that it was only 2 months ago. It feels like a lifetime ago.. such a blur! We are currently in the process of getting healthy, and part of that is me trying to get John to eat breakfast at home. Yesterday at the store I bought him granola and fruit to put in his yogurt but he didn't eat any this morning! This dicussion led my husband to reminisce about "the good old days" when I would wake up with him at the crack of 7:30 to make him a cup of coffee and breakfast before he left for work (I would then go back to sleep for several more hours before my 12 pm class..) And how he thought, "Wow, Kayla will make the best wife!". Ha- once morning sickness hit, this behavior came to a halt. Sleep is so precious now, the idea of dragging myself out of bed to make John breakfast seems terrible! But, on second thought, he does so much for our family - couldn't I spare the 10 min of sleep it would take to brew a pot of coffee and mix up some granola and yogurt? The answer is yes. It's my new resolution. I will treat my hubs to a healthy at-home breakfast at least 3 times a week (okay, make it 2). Hopefully it will help him to feel as appreciated as he is! :) 

Now I am off to bed! It's my "night off" and I cannot wait to sleep the whole night through! Library story time with Jack in the a.m. along with my hair transformation in the afternoon! I am really looking forward to tomorrow, and I haven't felt that way about a week day in a while! 

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