
Wedded Bliss Wednesdays

Hi friends! 
You know the drill by now :) 
and if your new...
1. Grab the Button
2. Be sure to follow both Allie and I
3. Follow at least 1 other person
4. Link up your post! 

What are you most thankful for in your marriage?

This being a week of thanks and also the week of John and I's wedding anniversary, I am definitely feeling the love for my husband! What I am most thankful for in our marriage would have to be the room to grow and our ability to let one another change. 

I think/feel like a lot of people marry each other expecting to be married to that same person for the rest of their lives... but in reality. We never stop evolving as individuals, and therefore we never stop evolving as couples either! 

I am so grateful that John and I both realize that we both have a lot to learn, a lot of room for improvement, and that we are able to apply this to our marriage. We are constantly learning and growing with one another. 

This year has already been full of so many changes. Roles have shifted, responsibilities redistributed... we have taken most of it in stride, but there have still been bumps in this road. I'm changing, John is changing, Jack is ALWAYS changing... there isn't much that is set in stone in our commitment to each other and to our family. 

Most days I don't think we notice. Other days it feels like an adventure. Some day... it feels like things are falling apart. But really, at the end of the day, we have each other to hold onto. 

I love that we grow. I love that we expect each other to grow. 

Next week....
Let's talk MAN fashion!
What is your husband's style?
What is your LEAST favorite piece(s) of his wardrobe? 
If you have a picture show us!!
What would you love for your man to wear? 

We are looking for FUN questions!
If you have any questions, please leave them!!!



Tara said...

Love that quote and you and John!

Helene said...

love this!! marriage is ever evolving and changing and you have to do it together. sweet post!

Rachel said...

You're right, you can't expect your relationship to always be exactly the same!
I haven't linked up for a few weeks...but I can't resist husband fashion!! I'll definitely be back on Wed.