
Baby Mama #1: Britt From Gettin' Fritzy With It!

Hey everyone! Da Bubba and I are currently en route to Washington D.C. (prayers that Bubba is surviving this 8+hour trip!). I set up a few "Baby Mama Bloggers" for while I am away! I am seriously SO excited about this- these three women are amazing and I think know you are going to really enjoy these posts! :) 

First up is Britt from Gettin' Fritzy With It! She is a mama to two BEAUTIFUL little ladies (and step-mama to TWO MORE!) It's a lot of girl going on over there and I LOVE IT! Her blog has my ovaries aching for a little pink bundle of joy (Ohhhh Joooooohn!) I hope you all enjoy, and stay tuned for a couple more guest posts Monday & Tuesday! 


Hi everyone! My name is Britt and I blog over at Gettin' Fritzy With It! I'm excited to be blogging for Kay today! We've recently become bloggy friends and I already love her blog so much and her boy is too cute for words! Anyway, Kay gave me the "free for all" on topics for today, so I decided to get a little controversial! I hardly ever get controversial... I'm a people pleaser ya'll... but with all the awesome comments lately about my girls' adorable matching outfits, I wanted to touch on the subject a little bit. So first things first: If you don't know me or my blog very well, I have two girls! They were born 1 year and 11 days apart. (Yes, I'm crazy.) The husband and I were convinced and praying that our second child would be a boy. But at 20 weeks, the ultrasound tech said... "ITS A GIRL!" God has a funny way of giving us what we want though right? Of course we had a girl, but little did we know that our "girl" would take on the personality of a little boy! Anyway, I was shocked when I found out Carly was a girl, but at the same time excited! I was excited that I didn't have to buy a whole new wardrobe and excited for my girls to grow up best friends. But what I didn't think about, was how fun it would be to dress the girls up in matching outfits as they grow up. And let me tell you, it is fun! And expensive. But sometimes the cute outweighs the expensive, am I right?!

So this is where the controversial part comes in. While I love dressing the girls up in matching outfits because it's cute and fun, and people always comment on how cute they are. (us moms love that right?? dont lie!) I also keep the matching to a minimum, because I want my girls to be individuals. I want them to have their own personality and sense of style. And like I said before, Carly is a boy. She doesn't like to wear dresses, while Lidia is a princess and refuses to wear anything but a dress! I will put it out there and say that I'm not a fan of matching children in the same clothes EVERY. SINGLE. DAY. There. I said it! Do you hate me yet??

I'm going to take this a little bit further too. (oh boi!) I have 4-year-old twin step-daughters. I love them with all my heart. They are beautiful, funny, and simply amazing. When these two dress alike (or when any twins dress alike), I think it's the cutest thing ever!! My only concern is that my stepdaughters dress alike EVERY SINGLE DAY. Besides the fact that it's way too expensive to do, I hope it doesn't have a negative impact later on, ya know? I hope they realize that even though they are twins and should be each others' backbone, that they are still their own individual person. They are both special. They are both unique. And they are both loved very much, for who they are seperately. Ok, I've said plenty right? You want to see these gorgeous, matching, twins don't you??
and just for good measure... all 4 girls dressed alike on the twins' birthday!
So what do you think? Do you agree with me? Disagree??

Thanks to Kay for letting me guest post today!!!

Please stop by my blog and say hi, I love meeting new blog friends!
Also, I'm a ThirtyOne Consultant and I have an online catalog party going on right now, and if you buy 31.00 in products, you get a purse for half off! This is our most popular deal of the year!

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