
The Wasted Weekend

And by wasted I don't mean drunk... although I may or may not have been on my way to that state of mind after TWO Oberons on Friday night (who am I?!) Also.. if you're not from Michigan and you don't know what Oberon is, it's a beer made at a MI brewery called Bell's and it is DELICIOUS with a nice slice of orange :) 

After a VERY successful Friday date night, John and I spent the rest of the weekend doing NOTHING. Seriously, I don't think I have even left the house... oops? After we put Bubba down last night we discussed all of the things we COULD and SHOULD have done over the weekend. This list included but was not limited to: buying baby gates so that we no longer have to construct what we are calling "The Great Wall of China"to TRY to keep Bubba out of the kitchen. OR using a forgotten about Best Buy gift certificate to buy a DVD/VHS combo player in order to have a Disney movie marathon... sigh... would have been AWESOME. 

Here are a few pictures from our weekend of nothing:

 Blueberries anyone?1
 Watching Daddy make breakfast... Just wanting to get in on the action!
 He laughs in the face of our pillow wall!
 I take ZERO responsibility for the outfit that he is wearing...
 I was clearly interrupting dude time...

he looks SO much like his daddy when he furrows his brow like that... my two grumpy OLD MEN!

 Walks with Daddy are so much fun!

April Photo A Day: Reflection
March Photo a Day was an EPIC fail... but I am trying again! Follow me on Instagram (kaykmerr3) to see if I make it through the month this time!

One big accomplishment of the weekend was completely re-doing my "What Jack's Eating" page. It is now fully stocked with WHY I am doing homemade, my favorite baby food making products (and some non homemade staples!), and recipes by age (I still need to finish up typing his 6-8 month favorites). If you are a mama, new mama, or soon-to-be mama that is AT ALL interested in making your own baby food - check it out! I'm no expert, but I think I am proof that ANYONE can do it :)  

Happy Monday! Here's to a productive week after a LAZY weekend :) 


1 comment:

Lauren said...

I feel like I always find myself thinking about all the things I SHOULD have done over the weekend on Sunday nights... and of course go to bed feeling like I've wasted another weekend. BUT on the plus side, sometimes doing nothing is the best. Especially when the week is jam-packed full of stuff you have to get done. Every now and then you just need a weekend full of nothing.