
Baby Mama #3: Dana From Five30Three!

We are on our way home as we speak (I just had technical difficulties with this post and had to copy and paste HTML via iPhone.. The worst!!) I am so happy to have Dana taking over for me :) make sure you head to her blog too and show her some love :) bubba and I will be chillin' in the backseat home to MI!


Hi, I'm Dana.  A wife and first time mama from Chicago.  I recently became a stay at home mom to care for my precious baby boy, Jacob.  Also know as "Mr. Man".  And "Munchkin Man".  And "J-A-C-O-B", sung to the tune of "B-I-N-G-O." Seriously, my baby nickname-creating has become its own full-time job.

I blog over at five30three, mostly about the randomness of my life and things I think are cool.  The name comes from the address of the building where my hubby and I first met.  Yep, we were neighbors.  So when he asked me on a date, I knew it would be horribly awkward if it didn't work out.  I already said he's now my hubby, so I think you can figure out how that went down.  (You're a smart cookie, right?  Mmmm, cookies...)

My blog was birthed out of my late night insomnia episodes during the last few weeks of my pregnancy in December 2011.  I had dreams of making the blog about my love of crafting, decorating, organizing and cooking but as a new mom I simply just didn't have the time to do all those things...and blog about it.  Oh yeah, and I don't cook.  (Except vegetarian chili and pumpkin pie.)  So instead I ramble about the things that make my life fun and fulfilling.

I have a close friend who tells me that I "know how to do everything."  Flaterring, sure.  But I feel like the pressure is always on.  So today I thought I'd share with you my mantras for keeping it together and having fun when everyone in your world expects the world from you.  (Something I know Kay talks about often!)


:: DO take time for yourself each and everyday.  Uninterrupted.  Even if it's just to take a bath.  Or write your blog.  Or go on a run.  Or read the next installment of the Hunger Games on your Kindle.  And even if it's just a half hour of YOU time, do it.  You'll thank me later.

:: DO make time to reach out to your family and friends on a regular basis.  With your job, school family, running a household, walking your dog or what not, you may think you are the busiest person in the world.  Newsflash: You're not.  Years from now it won't matter if you left the laundry in the dryer for an extra day (or week), but your friend that you reached out to will likely still cherish you (unless you do something to really tick her off).

:: DO be direct about what you want.  Drop hints on your blog/Facebook/Twitter pages about cool things that you have your eye on because, heck, you deserve something nice!  I posted a few gift guides around the holiday about some cool clothes, accessories and home appliances that I was lusting after.  I'm keeping my fingers crossed that any of those gifts arrive sometime soon.  I think Santa just misplaced my address.  But my husband darn well knows where I live, so I can't explain that one.
Hey husband!  I really think my ring finger could 
use another thin diamond band above my 
engagement ring too.  Just sayin'...

:: DO create things that you can be proud of - a recipe, a craft, a home renovation, a really polished outfit with all the right accessories, a baby perhaps.  Even if your creations are not as monumental as makin' a tiny human, do something unique that you can show off...whatever that may be for you.

The unique and personalized baby blocks I made for my girlfriends' babies.

:: DO take pictures.  Lots and lots of pictures.  Don't worry about being that girl who stops in the middle of a crowded sidewalk to take that perfect picture of that flower or that skyscraper or your adorable little baby bundle.  Heck, I'm that girl and proud of it. 

:: DO connect with and learn from others that inspire you.  Don't be threatened by smart, powerful and creative people.  Instead, take note of what they do well and mimic those traits.  That's the method I took with my career and I'm taking now as I grow this lil blog o' mine.   So let's connect!  After all, you can never have too many friends.

:: DO be true to who you are.  While it's okay to learn from others (see above bullet), don't try to be someone or something you're not.  I mean, shoot, I'd love to be a fashion blogger who gets free trendy clothes just for looking cute.  But instead I don solid colors and actually wear my clothes more than once (GASP!!!).  Stand up for yourself and the things you believe in and be proud of who you are.  If you don't, who will?
Via Pinterest
:: DO find things to smile and laugh about each and every day.  Being happy makes life a lot more fun.  'Nough said.


So that's what I've figured out thus far in my nearly three decades of life, few years of marriage and nearly 4 months of motherhood.  Hopefully you have some other tricks that help keep you sane and if you do, I want to hear about them.  Drop me a line on my blog and help a sista out. 

Want your daily dose of Dana? 
Yeah, that's what I thought.  Pay me a visit and let me know that Kay sent you.  She will get one homemade pumpkin pie for each new follower.  (Hope you like pumpkin, Kay!)

And I apsire to be one of those bloggers that hosts sweet giveaways because who doesn't like to win free stuff?  Maybe soon, when I figure out how to do that.  And can find someone who wants to give something away.  Until then, you can follow along with my photos and sarcasm and a whole lotta cuteness from Mr. Man.

"WHO, ME??

1 comment:

DSR said...

Thanks for having me, Kay!