
"It's Ok" Thursday!

Today I am going to do my first "It's Ok" Thursdays Link Up with Neely at A Complete Waste of Makeup. I am currently still drowning in laundry and trying to get all three of us packed up for Easter weekend- ahhh!

Its Ok Thursdays
It's okay...
That I went shopping on Tuesday for an Easter dress and ended up trying on over TEN different dresses- took pictures of every single one and sent them to my sister for opinions.

(I chose the green)
It's okay...
That Da Bubba started freaking out in his stroller after I tried on two dresses so I let him crawl around on the dressing room floor- germs are good for the immune system (or at least that's what I told myself).
It's okay...
That looking at Jack's newborn clothes basically makes my uterus ache for another baby (stupid grad school/career dreams)
It's okay...
That when Jack makes faces like these/grunts/yells at every stranger he sees, I am semi certain that John and I are raising the biggest weirdy in the world (and I LOVE it)
It's okay... 
That I check my grad school app for MSU 8987879047513 times a day, and when I see this stupid sentence for the 1 bajillionth time I want to throw my computer out of the window. 
It's okay...
that whenever we leave our house for more than one night I make a detailed/categorized packing checklist for Bubba and I
and I still always end up forgetting something...
It's okay...
That every time I pass by one of these I HAVE to buy one-I'm addicted!
It's okay...
That I have made Pinterest mug cake this week.. twice
It's okay...
That I TOTALLY abuse the whole top knot/hipster glasses trend because I'm too lazy to blow dry my hair/put in my contacts - and you know what?! I don't think this guy cares one bit (what husband may think is a different story..)
what's okay with you today?



Kelly { MessyDirtyHair } said...

stopping by fromthe link up! awe i love these!! your baby is soooo adorable omg!!! super cute blog, lover your header! new follower!

xx Kelly

DSR said...

Is it ok that I had a York Peppermint Patty for breakfast?! I'm gonna go with yes...but just this once.